Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Russian Randomness #13-17

13. I've seen Hare Krishnas several times since I've been here, which led me to look up Hare Krishnas on wikipedia and it turns out that the movement is pretty big in post-Soviet countries. who knew?

14. Tom and I enjoy a "business lunch" (see #15) at an Indian restaurant every Friday. Now every Friday and Monday because they changed our class schedule. It is unbelievably delicious and I look forward to enjoying my multi-course meal and bollywood videos all week.

15. The Business Lunch. Бусинесс Ланч in Russian. Pronounced "bizniz lanch." This is one thing I find particularly interesting. Most of the world I think uses English words for things dealing with computers or the internet, etc. But Russia uses English words for all things dealing with capitalism.

16. Although a beautiful city, St. Petersburg is not one of beautiful smells. However, there are about a million Lush stores throughout the city that emit probably one of the only smells I recognize. Also, I buy my fruit from these stands set up on the street in the summer and every time I walk buy one I take in a big deep breath of fresh produce. Otherwise, I breathe through my mouth.

17. This is what Tom's lunch looks like every day from the school cafeteria. He never knows what the meat is...

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